Missing Tooth

If you don't take care of your teeth, they will simply just go away. Tooth loss is normal with baby teeth, where at some point in a child's life, a tooth becomes lose and then falls off, but is later replaced by an adult tooth. Otherwise loosing a tooth is unfavorable and if it happens with adult teeth, it's the result of injury, tooth decay or periodontal disease.

Decades ago it was considered normal to lose your teeth as you grew old. But if you have missing teeth, you lose the ability to chew on food and stay healthy. Nowadays there are methods to replace missing teeth, or to care for your oral health in order to keep your teeth forever.

What you should do if your tooth is knocked out:

Handle your tooth by the top or crown only, not the roots. Don't rub the tooth or scrape it to remove debris. This damages the root surface, making the tooth less likely to survive. Gently rinse your tooth in a bowl of tap water. Don't hold it under running water.
Try to replace your tooth in the socket. If it doesn't go all the way into place, bite down slowly and gently on gauze or a moistened tea bag to help keep it in place. Hold the tooth in place until you see your dentist. If you can't replace your tooth in the socket, immediately place it in some milk, your own saliva or a warm, mild saltwater solution — 1/4 teaspoon salt to 1 quart water (about 1 milliliter of salt to about 1 liter water). Get medical attention from a dentist or emergency room immediately.

What are the reasons for tooth loss?

There are many reasons why you might lose a tooth. Understanding those causes might help you be aware of your mouth’s health state and prevent problems that contribute to tooth loss.

  • Poor oral hygiene

    If you don’t brush and floss daily, cavities and gum disease can occur, making tooth loss more likely to happen in the future.
  • Poor nutrition

    Foods that contain a lot of sugar, carbohydrates and acids can damage your teeth and gums. Such diets initiate tooth decay.
  • Poor habits

    Tooth grinding uses up your teeth over the years and make them shorter. People who grind strongly can also fracture their teeth.
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco

    Smoking can aggravate gum disease that leads to tooth loss
  • Contact sports

    Some kids, teenagers or young adults play contact sports regularly. Wearing a mouth guard is very important to prevent trauma that can fracture of injure a tooth.
  • Fear

    Some people are afraid of dentist and never consult one, even if they have a tooth ache. Not consulting for a problem in your mouth can worsen the condition over time and eventually lead to tooth loss.

What are the consequences of teeth loss?

  • Speech problems.
  • Avoiding certain foods because of chewing problems.
  • Avoiding going out in public because of social embarrassment.
  • Anxiety and self-consciousness.
  • Stiff Jaws and problems with relaxation.
  • Weakening of other teeth because there are less teeth to use when you eat.
  • Movement and inclination of other teeth and their possible loss.
  • Nutrition problems.
  • For baby teeth, potential loss of space for adult teeth.

For baby teeth, potential loss of space for adult teeth. In order to prevent all those problems, there are many options to replace your lost teeth and keep you healthy. But prevention remains the best resolution.

What are the options for Tooth replacement

If you have one or more missing teeth, or if you must absolutely extract a tooth, there are many effective options for replacement that are available.

  • Dental implants

    Dental implants are considered to be the best and most comfortable tooth replacement solution. They are also the most expensive. An implant is an artificial root that is anchored to the bone and on which a crown is placed. It feels like a real tooth and does not require other teeth for support.
  • Fixed bridge

    A fixed bridge is a set of three or more crowns fused together, where the one in the middle replaces the missing tooth. The crowns on the edge cover your own teeth which are used as anchors. A bridge can not be removed and is very aesthetic, looking like your real teeth.
  • Partial and complete dentures

    Partial and complete dentures are removable and replace several (partial) or all (complete) missing teeth. Since they are not fixed, they are not as comfortable as implants or bridges, and do not help you chew foods as effectively. But depending where your missing teeth are, dentures can give your smile an aesthetic look. Partials also prevent your other teeth of shifting and moving.
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